One of my favorite memories of being a new momma was holding my sweet baby girl close as I rocked her before a nap. I loved to just stare at her as she drifted off to sleep and would often keep holding her the entire nap rather than putting her down in her crib.
This kind of love was new to me. Of course I’d loved others before and was very much in love with my husband, but this little one needed me like no one ever had. I had a fierce and protective love for her that I hadn’t known before. I remember thinking that there was no way that I could ever love her any more than I did in that moment, and yet somehow my love just continued to grow deeper.
I don’t remember exactly how old she was at the time, but it was during one of these moments before laying her down one afternoon that an overwhelming thought came to mind. It was a reminder that I know was directly from my Heavenly Father.
I saw through fresh eyes that His love for me is even greater than all of the love I held for, or could ever offer, my daughter.
He knows all of me. Every doubt, worry, bitter thought, struggle, and impatient moment and yet He still loves me with a greater love than I can even comprehend. In a world where we are constantly comparing ourselves to one another and more times than not feeling like we’re falling short, please just remember that He loves you. He created you, specifically you, for a purpose and you are of great worth in His eyes.
He gave His Son for YOU.
We’re never promised life will be easy, in fact, we’re told that it will often be hard. Trials and temptations will come, but He does promise us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. He promises to be there to comfort us. To forgive us when we repent with a pure heart. To be with us always until the end of the age. He promises us eternal life if we accept His gift of grace.
Today I hope that you will take some time to think upon His love for you. An unconditional, underserved, all consuming love. A love that sent His Son to the cross for you.
“But you, Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” Psalm 86:15
Olufunke Kolapo says
Beautiful post.
I love the way you relate the love four one’s child and yet point out how even that love cannot compare to His love for us.
Grateful for the reminder.
Tabatha says
Thank you for the kind response, Olufunke. It really is a humbling thought when we realize how much we are loved and the grace we’ve been given. Thanks for reading!
Renee says
This is absolutely beautiful! I’m going to share this with my husband and family
Tabatha says
Thank you for the kind comment, Renee!
Darrah says
Beautifully said! My first Easter after becoming a mom comes to mind when reading this because I don’t think I was able to truly grasp the full meaning of that sacrifice until that point. Certainly changes our perspective on so much.
Tabatha says
I completely agree, Darrah. Understanding the full meaning of that sacrifice puts everything else into proper perspective. I love how He uses life’s circumstances to gently get our attention. Thanks so much for reading!
Simmy H. says
This was such a touching piece and God is so amazing.
Tabatha says
Thank you, Simmy =) He truly is amazing!