Internet Accountability
The topic of internet accountability isn’t something that naturally comes up in conversation very often. Nor is it something that we intentionally think about in our day to day lives. However, we are living in a world that makes it a necessity. Whether you are single or married with children, we can all fall prey to the dangers of the internet.
I don’t believe it’s necessary to dive too deep into the dangers of online activity. They’re overall glaringly obvious.
My reason for writing is to share some tips on how to protect yourself and your family from stumbling into something that is difficult to escape from. It damages far too many people at far too young of an age.
These last several months of isolation have spiked an increase in alcoholism, drug use, suicide rates, and not surprisingly pornography. People are hurting, lonely, and simply don’t know how to cope.
Porn Statistics
This is a topic that typically gets shoved under the rug or downplayed as “not that big of deal”. Please don’t believe this lie for a second. I’d like to ask you to read these statistics below and then be honest with yourself.
It is an alarmingly huge deal with devastating consequences.
Pornography use increases the marital infidelity rate by more than 300% (
Eleven is the average age that a child is first exposed to porn, and 94% of children will see porn by the age of 14. (Chicago Tribune)
56% of American divorces involve one party having an “obsessive interest” in pornographic websites. (Some statistics state this percentage as high as 2/3 of divorces). (
Nearly 70% of men consume porn at least once a week (
64 % of young people seek out pornography weekly or more often (The Barna Group).
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4 Internet Accountability Tips To Help Protect Your Family
So what can we do to help? Below are 4 internet accountability tips to help combat this struggle or hopefully prevent it from ever happening to begin with.
1. Get Covenant Eyes Screen Accountability
My family and I began using Covenant Eyes over four years ago. They are an amazing company with a mission to save marriages, protect families, and help free people from the bondage of an ugly addiction.
Covenant Eyes isn’t your typical internet filtration company. In fact, their primary means of accountability software actually doesn’t filter anything at all. (Although, you can add porn blocking or “safe search” protection to your plan if desired.)
Their unique take on assisting people in the fight against pornography is exactly what makes their vision work.
With screen accountability you will be kept accountable by an “ally” set in place by you, the user. You’re encouraged to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, pastor, etc. who will be sent a regular report of your recent online activity. (If you do not have a trusted ally please contact Covenant Eyes via phone or email, they will be more than happy to assist you.) This ally will be alerted if you’ve viewed or attempted to view explicit material.
To sum it all up Covenant Eyes screen accountability uses state of the art technology to alert an ally who can personally reach out to help keep friends and loved ones accountable in this area. This accountability approach has proven hugely successful for those genuinely desiring help.
Since 2000 Covenant Eyes has helped more than ONE MILLION people protect their families from porn or overcome an addiction!
Covenant Eyes Free Trial
I recently had the opportunity to team up with this wonderful company to offer you a 30 day FREE trial. If interested please use the code: JOYFUELED to receive your first month of service free.
I sincerely believe that we will be lifelong customers, and honestly cannot say enough praise about their technology, customer service, mission, and love for people.
Those I have interacted with on the backend of it all through blogging have solidified my view of their high standards and genuine desire to help others.
2. Use A Free Internet Router Filter
If you are looking for a completely free option, you can opt for a DNS service provider. These free filters offer protection at the router level which can prevent harmful content from entering your home. Although they are not 100% fool proof (nothing is entirely) they are an overall safe option for families, when set up correctly.
3. Implement A Shut Off Time For Electronics Usage
I’m fully aware that some may consider this idea to be controlling or infringing upon our children’s privacy. However, as parents we have a God given role and responsibility to protect our children no matter the cost. If our limitations create some push back that is okay.
Our love for our children and desire to parent them well, rather than simply be their friend, should be our highest priority.
The idea here is to have a curfew, for lack of a better term, for all electronics usage each evening. Phones, tablets, etc. can be plugged into a central charging station until morning. Please consider modifying this idea to best fit your family’s specific needs.
Eliminating the use of electronics after a certain time can likely even encourage more family time together, while also diminish a possible temptation to mindlessly browse online or social media. It also may be wise to ensure that all internet browsing is done in an open viewable area (no bedrooms or closed doors).
Teens And Cell Phones
To take this a step further, I’d like you to ask yourself if children and teens truly need cell phones in the first place?
Studies have shown that cell phone usage, as well as an increase in technology use in general is linked to anxiety, depression, and even suicide in young people. An excessive amount of technology is shown to damage the brain.
If we’re honest we’d have to admit that many of us and our children easily fall into the “excessive” category.
If you’re concerned that your child would need a phone for work or driving purposes, an old fashioned “flip phone” with simple call and text privileges would suffice. No need for internet capability or a data usage plan.
Related Resources : Finding The Antidote To Isolation During A Porn Pandemic
The Common Reality Of Early Porn Exposure
4. Communicate Frequently
Apart from accountability, I fully believe that communication is one of the absolute most effective forms of preventing or overcoming a porn addiction. Obviously having a healthy relationship with your spouse and children is directly connected to their level of trust and willingness to listen and respond.
Gently and respectfully ask those uncomfortable and awkward questions. Reach out on a regular basis.
If they know that you are coming from a place of love they will most likely not shut you out. Please be mindful to not approach this in a judgmental or nagging manor. Pray for wisdom on how to bring up the subject, and trust God’s leading.
We need to pray and act if we are to help in any way. We have an enemy who desires nothing more than to destroy our marriages and families.
I hope that the above tips on internet accountability are helpful for you. Please do you research on this topic, and reach out to your family. We are given an incredible responsibility in raising our children. May we do all that we can to protect and provide for them. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Julie says
Excellent information in this post! Such an important area to cover. Thank you!
Tabatha says
Thank you, Julie! I’m grateful that it was a help to you. Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Anne- One Determined Life says
These are great tips!! Every single parent I know worries about this with their kids, and it’s hard to know how to stop it. But having boundaries, internet connections and discussions will help so much! One thing that I am trying to do is to make a safe space for my kids to talk to me. I don’t want them to be afraid of telling me what they have seen. Thankfully, I have had little experience with this, but I know it’s coming.
Tabatha says
Thank you, Anne! I’m learning that as a mom there is a lot that I cannot control and this can be hard when all you want is the absolute best for your children in every area, but God is also teaching me that we need to simply be faithful and obedient. If we do all that we can to guide and protect our children, He is faithful as well <3